When mother nature loses her temper...

The Chinese witnessed mother nature's fury on may 12th.The official death toll from the in Sichuan province is 67,183. Many schools were destroyed, including one that had at least 900 students in it. This earthquake is the worst natural disaster to hit China in 30 years. Two further aftershocks have destroyed more than 420,000 houses in the Chinese region hit by the massive earthquake. You can find the facts, figures and more details on the net...and so please do.
Another recent incident was the cyclone Nargis in Myanmar. This was even worse, and even more unfortunately, most of foreign aid to Myanmar are blocked. The death toll is believed to be around 1,00,000.
For a little perspective in death tolls, both are about 10 times worse than either 9/11 or Katrina.

These are a few sites where you can donate and help the victims.
1. Mercycorps
2. America Red Cross
3. International Federation of Red Cross
4. Canada red cross
5. Americares
6. Salvation Army
7 . Foundation Burma
8. International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
9. International Rescue Committee

Do read about the two tragedies, discuss with our firends, write in your blog if you have time, and help them if you can.

BBC news, Red Cross .org, An article on digg( i dont remember d name, but that inspired me to write this post)

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