Foxit reader

Recently i had to reinstall windows xp into my computer because of some problems...but since then i was having difficulty installin some softwares...especially those of adobe...flash, photoshop, dreamweaver, and others. I dont use these softwares a lot, but theres one which for me ( and i'm sure for many of u too) is the basic necessity in windows!! and thats adobe acrobat reader...
There again was some error installing it...tried different versions...the latest one, old ones...reinstalling different copies of each version 2-3 times...but didnt succeed...
I couldnt just stop and say that the grapes were sour.
Could have used linux, but i prefer working on windows.
So I started searching the net for pdf readers...and then i came across foxit reader. I got it as a suite with a pdf reader, page organiser and a pdf editor. Its really cool, and i feel is much better than adobe reader. You can edit the pages very easily, add comments, add bookmarks and do a lot of stuff!! If you havent used it yet, you've got to check it out!!
Some of you perhaps knew about it earlier...but Im sure there are many who didnt.
If there was some easier way out...lemme know..
Download foxit from

2 opinions:

sourav said...

hey nicely written and your blog is very much informative to computer freaks.keep it up :)

Anonymous said...

hey thanx saurav...

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