Time to say good bye...almost...

We just have around 40 days left at the college now. Different cubs will soon start having farewell parties for the final years in the club. The juniors from different states will have it for their seniors. We guys from Karnataka will have it this fortnight. Bharath is been having a countdown timer on his desktop to the final day at college for around 2 months now ;). And that would end 4 wonderful years in calicut, 4 memorable years in the hostel.

One is really missing something in his life if he hasn't stayed in a hostel. I bet anyone here would second me on that. Looking back, the stay here was filled with lots of fun, lot of mischief, a handful of times when i was caught [;)], few fights with friends, arguments, wonderful seniors, great juniors, the lecturers, labs, the fests, the common rooms, and many more things! The seniors who came for Convo said that they miss college and hostel a lot; and I'm sure its goin to be the same for us too.

But I can't help it! I cannot screw up one of my exams just to stay here for another year :). Will be leaving the college, but will have lots of memories and some friends for life too to take along with me.

I very well remember the last few days at all the schools and my prev colg...and i miss all of them...but every time i left a place there was another wonderful place waiting, with more friends, more fun, more exciting stuff. And I'm sure the same is gonna happen this time too.

So, cheers!

1 opinions:

angad said...

will prolly be in the last week of Apr...and thats gonna be real fun...
But I wouldnt say im waiting eagerly for that; as thats gonna be among the final days here...always filled with mixed emotions...

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