Im at home for the weekend, as monday is Republic day and on tuesday I have just one hour class. Today, as always at home, was another lazy day; I woke up quite late and had my breakfast at noon. Reading the newspaper i learnt that there was a flower exhibition in Kadri park here. Nothing to do at home, I drove to the venue at five in the evening. There was a small crowd in Kadri park who had come to witness the huge variety of flowers. The main attraction was the "Pushpa doni" (flower boat) that was erected in the middle of the park. It maily consisted of roses and anthoriums. It had 6000 hibrid roses , of 3 colours: white, red n pink(see pic).There were few other interesting things to watch there including bonsais (there were grown banyan trees, in pots!), sculptures made using fruits and vegetables. It was totally worth the time.
Flower exhibition- M'lore
Happy 2k9!
Hey guys! A very happy new year to all! I guess its a little late to wish you new year; as by now, you must have already started breaking your new year resolutions. ;) I only tried it once. Had a long list of things i wanted do throughout the year; but couldn't take care of them even for a few weeks. For this year there's just one resolution: to enjoy the whole year spending max time with friends and family. Have already gone out with friends twice in the first fortnight this year, and another trip to Wayanad has been planned for the coming weekend too. A class trip to Lakshadweep is also on the cards.
The last sem at college has just begun and i must say i am JOBLESS! With just 12 hours of class in a week, i keep looking for new ways to kill time; searching for new games, new movies, books etc.
Hope you too have a great year ahead. happy bloggin. have fun!
PS: Here are some of my favs from the past fortnight.
Best book: Tristan Betrayal- Robert Ludlum.
Best movie: Slumdog Millionaire.
Best game: World of GOO! :)